M.C.T.V. - A podcast about movies, comics, and television.
A pop culture podcast with a focus on (m)ovies, (c)omics, and (t)ele(v)ision. Every week, hear about the latest buzz from the world of POP CULTURE, taking you from Wakanda to Tatooine. New episodes weekly with hosts Corey Graham and Marc Majeau.
M.C.T.V. - A podcast about movies, comics, and television.
Tuesday News Dump (1.14.25)
Season 2
Episode 55
This week on Movies, Comics and TeleVision, Corey and Marc discuss:
01:05 - Baylon Skoll lives!
28:38 - SNL 50
39:11 - The Ballad of Christopher Nolan
Have a question for the fellas? Follow us on social media @MCTVPodcast, or visit MCTVPodcast.com
Music provided by WHALE AND THE WOLF. Check out their music on Apple and Spotify.